Sunday, July 1, 2007

UPDATE: Pooped Out

So after this morning, Dad decided I was getting a little bit of a belly and we were going to do some PT. I think everyone knows that I'm game for just about anything......

Anyway, Dad lasso'd me and we started across the yard. Being that it was so nice a day, it seemed like a nice day for a walk. Anyway, we walked and we walked... Dad kept saying something about a park. All I could see was miles of grass and tar! Of course, I'm pretty short, so I can't see very far. Anyway, we finally made it to the park. It was nice and shady. So we hiked along for a while and finally came to a big RIVER. It was really wide and looked pretty deep to me. Dad tried to get me to go into the river, but I would have any part of it. Who cares that I might get washed away in a flash flood, but my coat - it was just cleaned! So, I decided I'd try to use the big boulders to cross.

It looked just a little to far for me to jump to the next boulder. But you know what, a few minutes later a father and daughter came up with their dog (a yellow lab). He was splashing about and chasing sticks. They said I was the cutest! They tried to help get me to go into the water having their dog jump in. Well, it didn't work, but when Dad waded in and just stood there, I knew that stubborn headed man wasn't going to let me go anywhere else. So, I put my toes in the water, then my paws, finally, all four were in. Wow, it wasn't so deep or dangerous. Actually kinda of nice. If only my Dad was a better photographer, these pictures would be more clear, but I guess I do move really quick, so maybe the blur is because of me.

We walked all the way across the country and finally must have made it to Mexico because all the persons were speaking Spanish. They were kicking the round black and white object. If Dad hadn't jerked my leash, I would have shown them how to play the game. Anyway, seeing as how it was after 11:15, it was time for a lunch and a siesta (being that we were in Mexico). So, we started the long trek back. Now I realize that the river we crossed was the Nacho Bell Grande that everyone talks about running for the border, or something. All that TV and radio I watch is helping me out. Who says this generation of Dogs is dumber than our forefathers!

Anyway, so I am pooped out. Finally got home. After lunch, I ran straight back to my crate. First time EVER, Dad drags me out of the crate and out the front door. He's wielding these metal pinchers and holds me down. Then I feel a little bit of pain and whimper. All done, a pat on the head, and I see Dad squish this little bug that was attached to me - BAD TICK. So finally, I get to go back and crash, whew. Slept like a log.

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