Sunday, September 19, 2010


If you are squeamish... skip this entry as it's just a bit unsettling...

Size matters... think about how much the insinkerator had to eat to make this instinkerator pile.....

 The first is the satellite view:

For scale, the floor tile is 12x12, so that is an 8x8 amoeba of death.

Then the google street view:

That is a 1.25" paint stirring stick.  So, the amoeba is 2.75 inches high.    That is the what Websters calls "Piled high and deep".

And finally the storm of the century:

Category 4 on the Saffir-Simpson scale.  Notice the splatter due to the high velocity ejection.  Outflow was impinged closest to the viewer, otherwise, this could have easily been a category 5 event.

Lets just say Dad was not having a good weekend (or days leading up to the weekend).  He's not happy, so don't bother him.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Ewwwwwwwwww! Is Shadow sick or something?